I recently participated in a continuing education opportunity where the topic was how to utilize some of the 12-step strategies in the treatment of Eating Disorders. Alcoholics Anonymous is a pillar in the recovery community. The work of the 12-steps to help individuals gain lasting recovery from alcohol and drugs has been invaluable.
The 10th step of the 12-step program is self-inventory. It's a daily/regular inventory one does with oneself to assess how he/she is doing and what might be valued actions for rectifying any uncovered difficulties experienced. This got me thinking about putting together a self-inventory similar to that used for the AA 12-step program, but for those in recovery from Eating Disorders.

Here it is:
Eating Disorder Treatment Inventory
(Based on the 10th step of the 12th steps – Self-Inventory)
Have I been:
Resentful – of who/what?
Selfish – how?
Dishonest – how?
Fearful – of what?
Am I obsessing about anything?
Am I keeping secrets?
Have I caused any harm? Do I owe any apologies?
Recovery Checklist (in the last week have I…):
- Practiced a coping skill, this one:
- Followed my prescribed meal plan
- Practiced food freedom, how:
- Lived out a value, which one/how:
- Met with my therapist and/or dietitian
- Helped someone else pursue recovery