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Mindfulness Mondays, 5: Incorporating Positive Affirmations into your Mindfulness Practice
Welcome back to Mindfulness Mondays! Grab a cup of coffee and use today’s mindfulness exercise to start your day off right. You may have...

Supporting a Loved One Through Mental Illness
It is likely you have been on either or both sides of this conversation. Most of us have found ourselves either receiving care from a...

Mindfulness Mondays, 4: Dropping Anchor
Here is another quick resource for practicing midnfulness. It's called "dropping anchor." This can be done anywhere, at any time, in...

Mindfulness Mondays, 3: Self-Compassion
In honor of Valentine's Day, this week's Mindfulness Mondays post will show how mindfulness can be used to increase self-compassion....

Wise Mind: The Intersection of Emotion and Reason
Dialectical means two things that seem contrary can be true at the same time. I can feel both happy and sad. I can hate treatment and...

Mindfulness Mondays, 2: Giving Thanks
The research is in and the verdict is consistent: gratitude has numerous benefits. It reduces anxiety, improves relationships, increases...

Mindfulness Mondays, 1: A Season for Presence
Being more present in the new year is a common new year’s resolution. We hear it all the time, but what does it mean? And how do we do...

Engaging in Trial and Error
As we arrive at the third post in Purpose Month, we come armed with a better understanding of life values and how to set goals in light...

Setting Goals in Light of Values
Last week’s post was all about identify top life values – one of my favorite ways of establishing more purpose and direction in life. If...

Seeking Purpose Through the Values Work
I’ve got to say, peace month with you all was a blast. I followed along as I posted and really spent the month thinking about and...
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