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Resisting Diet Culture In the New Year
The U.S. weight loss market is now worth a record $72 billion. And we are coming up on one of it’s most lucrative times of the year. The...

Mental Health Care During the Holidays
This is time of year is often very busy. You may be studying for finals, packing up the dorm room, traveling, and wrapping presents...

The 10th Step - Self-Inventory, Using this Step in ED Recovery
I recently participated in a continuing education opportunity where the topic was how to utilize some of the 12-step strategies in the...

Some Ways to Practice Gratitude in Your Life
You may notice that it has felt good this week to think about the things you are thankful for. Here are some ways to bring this practice...

Navigating the Holidays While in Eating Disorder Recovery
Thanksgiving (and the holiday season in general) can be particularly difficult while you are in Eating Disorder recovery. Here are some...

Purposeful Journaling Series: Art Journaling
Art journaling is a wonderful way to express yourself creatively. There are no rules! You can draw, paint, or collage with magazine...

Purposeful Journaling Series: Best Thing About Today
Every day for a month take some time at the end of the day to answer the journaling prompt “the best thing that happened today is…”...

Purposeful Journaling Series: From Doing to Being
So often we define ourselves by what we do rather than by who we are. In this journaling exercise, write out who you are – in stillness –...

Purposeful Journaling Series: Four On-going Lists
There are four on-going lists which make for wonderful additions of any journaling practice: lifelines, prayers, gratitudes, and support...

Purposeful Journaling Series: Emotion, Triggers, Coping, Effectiveness
This exercise is a quick and helpful way to check in with yourself and to gather valuable data about the internal experience. First,...
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